Thursday, January 19, 2012

Did You Know...we often teach for convenience?

Stormtrooper with his iPad, Wii remote, and iPod.
Dr. McLeod is an Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky, Founding Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE - now that's a cool acronym!), multiple award winner for technology leadership work in the realm of education, co-creator of the Did You Know? video sensation, author, blogger, Jedi, and technology expert. Okay, so maybe he's not a Jedi but the force is definitely with him. The question the force with us? And by us, I mean teachers.

Jedi Ginger by Cayusa on Flickr
As we all know, learning doesn't end when the bell rings. Most of what kids are learning with technology is happening after school and on the weekends anyway (just ask my 11 year old cousin--that's when she uploads her guinea pig YouTube videos, comments on Facebook, and plays Angry Birds). In Teachers Discovering Computers:  Integrating Technology in a Connected World, authors Shelly, Gunter, & Gunter discuss how our school system was designed for the Industrial Age. We are living in the Digital Age now and our students really don't remember a time when they weren't able to play games or watch movies in the car or on mommy's cell phone. This disconnect is a big problem. I don't want to be what Marc Prensky calls a "digital immigrant" teacher while my students are "digital natives". What a disservice!?

So when Dr. McLeod posed a question on his blog Dangerously Irrelevant. He asked, "Are we doing what is best for our students, or are we doing what is most convenient for us?"  I would have to say we are teaching in a way that is convenient for us. Now, don't be so quick to jump on what I just said. I don't equate "lazy" with "convenient". Teachers are some of the hardest working people I know! Trust me, I've been there (on the weekends, late at night, over holidays and vacations...pathetic at times, really!).  The thing is, we are teaching in a way that is most convenient given the parameters, resources, and requirements given to us.

When I was reading Teachers Discovering Computers I had a visual epiphany. I finally saw what the classrooms should look like to mirror technology and globalization. Students should be soooooooo excited to come to school because they do a lot of their work and learning using the current gadgets and apps. They could problem solve with their classmates in Japan through virtual conferences or team build models in geography or geometry using tablets. Picture this: teenagers itching to get up and get back to school to work on water solutions simulations to deal with local water issues. These students are anticipating uploading their simulations and research online in order to share and collaborate with their peer buddies in Dubai who are problem solving their own water issues.

Concerning technology and globalization--we're not giving the kids a fraction of what they need. Technology moves so fast and of course there is not enough money to keep all the technology that mirrors society in our classrooms today. What we can do as classroom teachers is teach them the skills as best we can. Get access to and use free or low cost technology (Why isn't the private sector donating more of their stuff? You'd think they know something about brand loyalty.), all while including or relating to what's the latest and greatest (e.g. iPads, smartphones, social networks) . Show students the purpose for such applications. Teaching students how to be flexible and adaptable, have initiative and self-direction are going to help them have the skills to compete globally (that's what Shelly, Gunter, & Gunter say and I agree). We should also teach to the best of our abilities how to find information, sift through it, synthesize, and share it. We may not know the technology they need to enter the workforce after graduation because it hasn't been designed yet, but we need to nurture lifelong learners who have the skills to tackle on and find success in any arena. May the force be with us all!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Getting the ball rolling...

So I'm finally really going to get my feet wet. This lake I'm jumping into is actually the deep, vast ocean. The way I feel about the ocean is the way I feel about technology...exciting and intriguing, yet mysterious and a bit scary. I'm not completely ignorant. Yet, I was a little intimidated signing up for a Twitter account. What's going on here?

I am really thankful to be taking a Technology for Educators course.  Otherwise, I fear I would have been left behind the fast-forward moving world of technology not only in the classroom, but in life in general.  I admit, it wasn't that long ago that I upgraded to a phone with a keyboard for texting! In the past, I couldn't justify spending the extra money for what would be "luxury" apps or gadgets for me and my lifestyle. Moving forward, I'm thinking I can see myself catching up, "teching up", so that technology + me = something sweet and natural. I'm seeing lots of possibilities and am excited about what my personal journey will do for my teaching.